Shopkins Season 9 – Cutie Compact #9-006

Shopkins Season 9 – Cutie Compact #9-006

Cutie Compact loves to be ready so she can make sure her tribe is always looking beautiful. She may be compact but inside there is a huge heart beating!
Cutie Compact
Heart’n’ Seekers Tribe Shopkins Team
Shopkins Product ID: #9-006
Shopkins Season: Season 9
Shopkins Finish: Hidden Heart
Shopkins Rarity: Common

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Shopkins Season 9 – Charlotte Heart Cake #9-005

Shopkins Season 9 – Charlotte Heart Cake #9-005

A gorgeous little cake that’s baked just for two, Charlotte Heart Cake love to bring people together. He ambition is to one day be a wedding cake. What a lovely dream!
Charlotte Heart Cake
Heart’n’ Seekers Tribe Shopkins Team
Shopkins Product ID: #9-005
Shopkins Season: Season 9
Shopkins Finish: Hidden Heart
Shopkins Rarity: Common

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Shopkins Season 9 – Love-lee Handbag #9-004

Shopkins Season 9 – Love-lee Handbag #9-004

Love Lee Handbag is always prepared for anything! Her heart is bottomless. Just when you think she can’t fit another thing in, she opens her heart even more!
Love-lee Handbag
Heart’n’ Seekers Tribe Shopkins Team
Shopkins Product ID: #9-004
Shopkins Season: Season 9
Shopkins Finish: Hidden Heart
Shopkins Rarity: Common

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