L.O.L. Surprise! Series 3 Confetti Pop Doll Blind Pack
In a world where babies run everything, little rockers rebel against nap time and teacher’s pets become class presidents with “Free Pizza Fridays!” In this world, all work is play and nothing is dull cuz it’s all a Lil’ surprising and outrageous!

L.O.L. Surprise! Confetti Pop is a Surprise party in every ball. Discover 9 Surprises inside, which Surprise will you unbox next? Shoes, outfit, doll? It’s a mystery! When you find the ribbon, pull for a Confetti, Pop, Surprise! Unbox L.O.L. Surprise! Confetti Pop again and again!
View L.O.L. Surprise! Series 3 Confetti Pop Dolls:
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