McDonald’s Happy Meal Books – The Twins have a Picnic with a Spinosaurus

McDonald’s Happy Meal Books – The Twins have a Picnic with a Spinosaurus

Book Title: The Twins have a Picnic with a Spinosaurus

Published Date: 27 June 2019

The Treetop family takes a trip to Africa! During their picnic, they spot a huge sail in the river moving towards them. Are they in danger? What could be lurking just under the water? Find out in the latest book!


About the series and author:

An Exclusive Series:
An exclusive 12 book series written by Cressida Cowell only available at McDonald’s.

Introducing the Treetop Twins Adventures

The Treetop Twins – Alfie and Asha, and Tulip and Ted – are the luckiest twins in the world. Their parents, Professor Penelope Treetop and Professor Pablo Treetop, have built a time machine, and they are the first family EVER to go back in time to study the age of the dinosaurs. Share with them in their adventures of a lifetime.

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